Sale of flowers on pre-orders. 01-11-2010 / PFR

It is necessary to send the orders one week before anticipated loading in Amsterdam. Otherwise, order execution will prove challenging. Provided Amsterdam is not the destination of flowers cargo (pls. see section “airfreight rates and directions””), we negotiate with each customer individually when the order has to be placed that to have enough time to buy the flowers according to the customers’ requirements.

The orders may be placed either online through our website or via e-mail. Daoflowers developed specific orders interface that allows the customers not only to place the order, but specify their preferences in regards to the country of origin, farms, varieties, grades, etc.

It stands to reason that the customer may combine pre-order purchase with the purchase online at trading platform. This combination is the most reasonable. Thus the client tracks on the current status of the order, gives daily additional instructions and clarifications and is maximally involved in the process.
