What the definitions "master client" and "sub-master", or “sub-client” stand for? What are the capabilities of master clients? 10-02-2011 / Articulos

In our system, the master client is a client who pays for both – his orders and orders of his sub clients.

A client on rise, who increases his orders every month, sooner or later faces the necessity to buy separate lots of flowers for his sub-clients, and mark the boxes of sub-clients with separate labels.

Our system provides master clients with the following administration features:

  • Master client may sign in one or several of his sub-clients to Daoflowers site in order for them to work online independently.

  • Through the control panel (web accessibility setup), the master client may open or limit access of his sub-clients to various site modules: pricing information, statistics, preferences cards, order generation module, allow or prohibit documents downloading.

  • Dual-user interface for simultaneity with orders of several sub-clients (available in the orders and preferences cards modules)